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There is Still Time

A journey inward, a reflection on the times.  With living trees set in a dreamy environment as the subject matter, this collection ponders mental health and the isolation and rumination brought on by a pandemic, a world brought to standstill. These living organisms are frozen, forever, and yet alive and thriving outside of our gaze. […]


No one thing ever merges gradually into anything else; the steps are discontinuous, but often so very minute as to seem truly continuous. If the investigation is carried deep enough, the factor in question, instead of being graphable as a continuous process, will be seen to function by discrete quanta with gaps or synapses between, […]

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Addis Ababa: Downtown Juncture

Addis Ababa, sprawling capital, expanding creature, pulsating cultural and commercial hub bordering the Great Rift Valley. Undulating hills recede in the haze of Summer rains, the cool highland temperatures making it feel less like an African Summer, more like a tropical island. I was extremely fortunate to have 18 hours in this city on a […]

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There is Still Time

A journey inward, a reflection on the times.  With living trees set in a dreamy environment as the subject matter, this collection ponders mental health and the isolation and rumination brought on by a pandemic, a world brought to standstill. These living organisms are frozen, forever, and yet alive and thriving outside of our gaze. […]

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